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Anti-scuffing and assembly paste

Molyslip® AS40 anti-scuffing and assembly paste is a high-performance lubricant containing molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) and graphite, formed into a soft paste.

Molyslip® AS40 is designed for use in situations where a hydrodynamic oil film cannot be tolerated or is impossible to achieve – for example during component assembly, machine start-up and high load/slow speed operations. The high load-carrying capacity of the MoS2 and graphite solids (in excess of 140,000 psi which is above the yield point of most metals) provides an ultra-low-friction physical barrier between metal surfaces preventing micro-welding or pick-up that can irrevocably damage components from occurring.

Molyslip® AS40 is suitable for multiple uses including: as an anti-seize on fasteners, an assembly aide, a lubricant on sliding mechanisms, plain bearings, pins, bushes and valves and as start-up or run-dry protection on gears.


Ensures bedding in without scuffing or scoring
Reduces wear and cuts costs
Protects against rust and corrosion
Eases assembly of tight tolerance components
Withstands extreme loads


Molyslip® AS40 is suitable for multiple uses including: as an anti-seize on fasteners, an assembly aide, a lubricant on sliding mechanisms, plain bearings, pins, bushes and valves and as start-up or run-dry protection on gears.

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