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Combat Fluid

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UK based manufacturer

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85+ years experience


Combat fluid is an advanced water-displacing fluid which deposits a protective and lubricating film. The petroleum base is reinforced with sophisticated performance additives that bind to metal surfaces protecting them from friction, wear and atmospheric corrosion.

Combat is designed as a true multi-purpose product that will displace moisture from surfaces, lubricate, protect from corrosion and act as a penetrating and releasing agent for sized and corroded parts.

Combat is free from silicones, is non-staining and suitable for use on most metals. The product is compatible with most commonly encountered plastics and rubbers.


• Actively displaces moisture from surfaces
• Effective protection against corrosion
• Excellent penetration and release properties
• All-round multi-purpose lubricant


Combat should be used as supplied. Can be used in dip-tanks, brushed or decanted into sprays for application. Alternatively the aerosol version can be utilised for small areas or precision application -
shake can well before use and spray from a distance of approximately 15-30cm. Refer to the product safety data sheet for guidance on safe handling, storage and disposal.

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