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Molyvalve 3

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85+ years experience


Synthetic valve lubricant

Molyslip® Molyvalve 3 is a non-toxic fully synthetic valve lubricant designed for the lubrication of all types of valves operating in water service. Molyvalve 3 is a highly adhesive, hydrophobic, and non-emulsifiable compound that resists water washing action helping to maintain an effective seal within the valve body and affords a surface barrier to prevent corrosion within the valve. Molyvalve 3 effectively lubricates the valve components leading to reduced wear ensuring effective valve operation time after time.



Neutral odour and taste
Excellent resistance to steam, solvents, gases, chemicals, oils etc.
Outstanding resistance to washout by hot and cold water, including sea water.
Wide temperature capability from -50°C to +200°C.
Highly effective protection against corrosion.
Compatible with most elastomers and plastics.
WRAS approved for use in contact with hot and cold potable water (approval number 2009562)


The product is based on a specially selected synthetic fluid that is fully compatible with the seal ring materials commonly found in this type of equipment.
Molyslip® BVL contains highly effective anti-wear and corrosion inhibitor packages designed to provide the excellent wear and corrosion protection necessary for valves operating in these severely hostile working conditions.
Molyslip® BVL is based on a high film strength fluid that will adhere to the internal valve surfaces and remains mobile during use to ensure the correct operation of the floating spring-loaded seats within the seat pocket.
The use of stiff grease prevents the seats following the movement of the ball as it floats and can result in leakage.


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