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Fabricant basé au Royaume-Uni

Assistance après-vente

Plus de 85 ans d'expérience


MOLYSLIP ZN60 is a water-resistant, high-pressure assembly and thread compound based on highly refined, low sulphur content mineral oil thickened with lithium soap and formulated to incorporate 60% metallic zinc. The product is specifically designed to prevent ‘cold welding’ of shoulder/collar joints and seizure of threaded connections on oilfield equipment such as Drill pipe/collars, Saver-sub to top drive connections, X-Overs, Production tooling, Ball joint shoulder connections, etc.


Faible teneur en soufre
Brossable à basse température (jusqu'à -18°C)
Excellentes propriétés de charge et anti-usure
Permet une constitution uniforme des joints
Protection très efficace contre la corrosion
Résistance exceptionnelle au délavage par l'eau
Peut être appliqué sur des équipements froids et humides


The product is formulated to meet the requirements of *API RP 7G.
The excellent lubricating properties of MOLYSLIP ZN60 reduces friction during assembly preventing galling, ‘pick-up’, seizure and wear and facilitates easier breakout for routine maintenance.
The inclusion of anti-corrosion and anti-oxidant additives makes the product particularly suitable for use under the most aggressive conditions in corrosive wet/humid, dirty or chemical environments where a high degree of water washout resistance is required, and effective over a wide temperature range.

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